Our Care

We let your body guide us

Your body innately knows what it needs to heal!  We honor that and take your health one step/layer at a time. Please note that we do not actually treat any conditions. We work with your body and your specific needs and help you to heal. As a result, often times diagnosed “diseases” and other symptomatic problems disappear and/or conditions improve vastly.

Here is a list of examples of potential issues that can be helped through this type of work: Allergies, Asthma, Autism, Anxiety, Bed Wetting, Colds and Flus, Depression, Digestive Disorders, Diabetes, Ear aches/infections, Headaches, Irritable Bowel, Migraines, Nausea, Pain, Sleep Disorders, Scoliosis, Seizures, Sports Injuries, UTI’s, Ulcers, Vision/Eye Problems, Vertigo, Infertility.

Chiropractic Adjustments

It’s all about connection! Your body functions through the nervous system (your brain, spinal cord, and nerves) – every cell needs to have a clear connection to the brain and vice versa. When everything is your body is connected as it should your body is able to heal and grow effectively. We do this by giving specific, gentle adjustments when and where your body needs it.

Emotional Health

Not only can years of ill health take a toll on your emotions, certain events throughout life can have a huge continual effect on your emotional health. Health is not limited to the physical; emotional health is extremely vital. When your emotional health is well you are able to get on purpose and to shine! We help your emotional health through specific homeopathic remedies and working through emotional locks if they should come up.

Physiologic Rebalancing

Health is not just chasing symptoms. It is about finding underlying causes and helping to teach your body healthy healing patterns. It is about getting confidence in your body and how it works. Restoring normal patterns in your body allows for your body to function effectively. We accomplish this through a simple biosequencing scan to see exactly what your body needs and recommend specific homeopathic remedies.

Healthy Living

Read our articles for tips and news from Keppy Family Chiropractic

the word gentleness on a green background with daisies


Have you ever heard of March being described as “in like a lion and out like a lamb?”  This refers to how the weather can

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red hearts spilling out of envelope with the word love

Focusing on LOVE

It may be cliche to be focusing on love in February, but what better time? With the stores displaying red and pink hearts and companies

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picture of the word May with paper flowers behind the word

Celebrating MAY!

It is a busy month filled with school wrapping up, Mother’s Day, graduations are more!  We are celebrating in the office as well – May

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Keppy Chiropractic Office

3033 S. Parker Rd., Ste 430, Aurora, CO 80014